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Apr 03, 2019

Scott Horton of the Scott Horton Show interviewed me about my research on mullah Omar

Scott talks to journalist Bette Dam about her new book, Searching For An Enemy: The Secret Life Of Mullah Omar. Dam also reflects on how journalists may need to rethink the ways they report on the terror wars.

Mar 25, 2019

I would say my best interview on my findings on mullah Omar

On a very early Parisian morning I cycled to French 24 for an interview about my findings on mullah Omar. I think it's maybe one of the better interviews I did. 

Mar 12, 2019

Update incomplete. More coverage will follow.

Busy with work, but I will start updating the Internationale media coverage on Mullah Omar soon.

Mar 11, 2019

The Afghan government soon responded saying my report was not right

Soon after I published my findings on mullah Omar hiding outside an US base (and not in Pakistan) the USG decided to be silent about it, and not comment. On the other hand, the Afghan government responded furious. Since '01 they had claimed Omar was in Pakistan, without much proof (not any journalist had asked the Afghan government critical questions about their sourceless claims). Now someone proofed them wrong, and they started slandering me (some high officials tried to make Afghanistan experts belief that I was paid by the Taliban ).  

I guess all this was the best review I could wish for; after that even more media reported on my work. 

Mar 11, 2019

Opinion piece on TRT World

Mullah Omar's life in Afghanistan is symbolic of the failed 'War on Terror',

The 'War on Terror' has taken the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people globally, while its most wanted targets hide in plain sight of those waging the war. What does that say about the war?

"It is evident that both Washington and its Afghan allies will never acknowledge this if it is the truth because of what it says about their governments. "

Mar 10, 2019

Taliban leader spent last days just miles from US base, report says

Stars and Stripes also wrote about my book:The report’s author, long-time Afghanistan researcher Bette Dam, relied on interviews with Mullah Omar’s bodyguard as well as members of the Taliban and Afghan security agencies, she wrote. The report was published during the weekend by the Zomia Center, a research group affiliated with New America, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington. 

Mar 10, 2018

Former Taliban leader lived under U.S. nose, new book says

Reuters on my book on mullah Omar

Mar 10, 2019

Fugitive Taliban leader lived short walk from US base, book reveals

My book is on the cover of The Guardian, thanks to Emma Graham-Harrison.

Mar 10, 2019

The Last Days of Taliban Head Mullah Omar

My story on mullah Omar on the front page of the Wall Street Journal "New report claims he lived in Afghanistan until his death, not Pakistan as CIA, others believed"

Jun 19, 2018

Translation Dutch Article Vrij Nederland

MY letter about peace to the Dutch government. Holland again wants to send some troops, but is the use of more weapons something that will help Afghanistan?

Jun 18, 2018


Weer meer troepen naar Afghanistan? Waarom? En werkt het? Of zijn er alternatieven?

Oct 16, 2016


"Hoe de Amerikanen in 2001 de vredesdeal met de taliban onder het vloerkleed veegden"

article by Bette Dam

Oct 15, 2016


"Eigen risico"​

program by Saar Slegers & Marieke Drost with guests Bette Dam, Michiel Engelsman & Frouke Vermeulen


Oct 12, 2016


"De vrede die Amerika niet wilde"

article by Bette Dam

Oct 03, 2016


"De Afghanistan Conferentie in Brussel"

program with guests Bette Dam & Gie Goris

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